National Institute for Environmental Studies; JAPAN, Japan
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Md Anwar Hossain Khan
University of Bristol, United Kingdom
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Stein T Holden
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway
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Vladislav Poulek
Czech University of Life Sciences, Czech Republic
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Ashraful Alam
University of Salford, United Kingdom
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Motoaki Seki
RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science, Japan
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Hiroto Ito
Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Japan
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Zoleka Ncoyini-Manciya
University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
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Nadarajah Ramesh
University of Greenwich, United Kingdom
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Zhang Ying
School of Economics & Management, Beijing Forestry University, China
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Martin Donald S Adlington
University of Derby, United Kingdom
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Amado Enrique Navarro Frómeta
UTIM, Mexico
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Yukun Yang
China University of Mining and Technology, china
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M. Reza Najafi
Western University, Canada
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Tercio Ambrizzi
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
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Robert D. Chandler
City of Salem, Oregon, USA
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Mark Chong
Singapore Management University, Singapore
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Boris Boincean
Selectia Research Institute of Field Crops, Moldova
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Bodil Hernroth
Kristianstad University, Sweden
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Carlo Jaeger
Global Climate Forum / Potsdam University, Germany
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Zuohao Cao
Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Canada
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Ola Langvall
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
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Fredy Altpeter
University of Florida, USA
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Jan Skaloš
Czech University of Life Sciences, Czech Republic
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Rachel Hay
James Cook University, Australia
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Ange-Marie Botroh
Abitibi-Temiscamingue University of Quebec , Canada
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Karen Vargas Santander
Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile
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Tomas Thierfelder
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
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Karibu Fukuzawa
Hokkaido University, Japan
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Paramita Sinha
RTI International, India
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Aysha Aljawder
National Space Science Agency, Bahrain
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Gabriel Legorreta Paulin
UNAM, Mexico
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Vilim Filipovic
The University of Queensland, Australia
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Nur Badriyah Mokhtar
BPP University, United Kingdom
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Cuicui Zhang
Tianjin University, China
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Alicia Munín Doce
University of A Coruña, Spain
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Raluca Mateescu
University of Florida, USA
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Ralph A Kahn
University of Colorado, USA
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Afonso Palos Fontes
LNEG, Portugal
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Xiaoqin Yan
Hohai University, china
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Mei Li
China Earthquake Administration, china
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Azin Fathianpour
Massey University , New zealand
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Keishi ONO
National Institute for Defense Studies, Japan
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Ümit Deniz GÖKER
Astronomical Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
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Abhishek Gaur
National Research Council Canada, Canada
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Thomas Kinnaman
Bucknell University, USA
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Dorota Dobrowolska
Forest Resarch Institute, Poland
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Musse Mohamud Ahmed
Uninversiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Malaysia
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Juan Enrique Contardo Laclote
Universidad de Chile, Chile
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Zhigang Huang
Fuzhou University, china
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Symbiosis International University, India
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Per-Erik Mellander
Teagasc, Ireland
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Dariusz Kacprzak
The University of Aucklnad, New zealand
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Rakefet David-Schwartz
Institute of Plant Sciences, Israel
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Marjolaine Krug
Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, South Africa
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Hannah Lehmann
University Hospital Munich; Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany
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M Luisa Contreras Rodríguez
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Dan Zhu
City of Gainesville, USA
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Jayashree Srinivasan
The World Bank Group, USA
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Paniendra Dutt Kolluru
GITAM University, India
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Tyagaraja Sooprayen Modelly Cunden
Universite des Mascareignes, Mauritius
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Douglas Richmond
Purdue University, United states
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Leila Ahmadi
National Research Council Canada, Canada
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Andrea Di Giuliano
Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Italy
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Ruogu Huang
Fuzhou University, China
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Ubirajara Pereira Rodrigues-Filho
Insituto de Quimica de Sao Carlos- Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil
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Dan Hikuroa
Waipapa Taumata Rau - University of Auckland, New zealand
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Jie Liu
Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, People's Republic of China
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Paulo Augusto Pezzan Miotto
Legasys Engineering, Brazil
Mike Elliott University of Hull, United Kingdom
Ecology and Ecosystems
Risk and opportunity assessment and management – climate change and inland and marine aquaculture and fisheries
Rob Vos International Food Policy Research Institute, USA
Agricultural Sustainability and Climate Change
Options for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture and Food Systems
Rino Rappuoli Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena, Italy
Climate Change and Health
Save the microbes to save the planet
Iris Stewart-Frey Santa Clara University, USA
Climate Change Adaptation
Community-Academic Partnerships to support climate Adaptation to Recent and Future Hydroclimatic Shifts over Central America.
Ulises Javier Jauregui Haza INTEC, Dominican republic
Ecology and Ecosystems
Characterization of sargassum accumulated on Dominican beaches in 2021: analysis of heavy, alkaline and alkaline-earth metals, proteins and fats
Michael Blum University of Kansas, USA
Sea-Level Rise, Oceans and Climate Change
Disappearing deltas: role of subsidence, global sea-level rise, and coupled atmospheric and oceanographic processes in Mississippi Delta land loss
Satoshi KAMEYAMA National Institute for Environmental Studies; JAPAN, Japan
Biodiversity and biological conservation
Long-Term Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Freshwater Temperature: A Nationwide Study in Japan (1982-2016)
Md Anwar Hossain Khan University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Pollution and Climate Change
Aviation non-CO2 emissions reduction scenarios and climate impact mitigation
Stein T Holden Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway
Climate Change Adaptation
Can climate shocks make vulnerable subjects more willing to take risks?
Vladislav Poulek Czech University of Life Sciences, Czech Republic
Green Technology and Green Production
PV panels laminated by soft polysiloxane gel – New simple eco friendly recycling method
Ashraful Alam University of Salford, United Kingdom
Sustainability and Climate Change
Under what conditions SMEs could mitigate climate change impact
Motoaki Seki RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science, Japan
Development of EGAO technology and its application to the mitigation of climate change impacts
Development of EGAO technology and its application to the mitigation of climate change impacts
Hiroto Ito Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Japan
Natural Hazards and Disaster Management
Resilient Healthcare and Sustainable Community
Zoleka Ncoyini-Manciya University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Climate Change Adaptation
Validating small-scale sugarcane farmers' climate perceptions through scientific climate data to enhance awareness of climate change: The Case of Swayimana area in KZN Midlands, South Africa
Nadarajah Ramesh University of Greenwich, United Kingdom
Stochastic models based on Cox process to model rainfall time series
Stochastic models based on Cox process to model rainfall time series
Zhang Ying School of Economics & Management, Beijing Forestry University, China
Sustainability and Climate Change
Accounting and Analysis of Gross Forest Carbon Sink Production in China
Martin Donald S Adlington University of Derby, United Kingdom
Climate Change and Health
Is overheating in dwellings a cause of concern in the health of vulnerable adults.
Amado Enrique Navarro Frómeta UTIM, Mexico
Emerging pollutants in rivers and climate change, a complex relationship not yet completely understood.
Emerging pollutants in rivers and climate change, a complex relationship not yet completely understood.
Yukun Yang China University of Mining and Technology, china
Sustainability and Climate Change
Slope Stability Prediction Method based on Intelligent Optimization and Machine Learning Algorithms
M. Reza Najafi Western University, Canada
Natural Hazards and Disaster Management
Dynamic Assessment of Compound Flood Risks: Insights from Historical Trends and Future Projections
Tercio Ambrizzi University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Atmospheric Changes
ENSO teleconnections pathways in South America
Robert D. Chandler City of Salem, Oregon, USA
Global Climate Strategies and Policies
Local Government and Climate Action: Promises and Perils
Mark Chong Singapore Management University, Singapore
Agricultural Sustainability and Climate Change
Effects of framing, nomenclature, and aversion to tampering with nature on consumer acceptance of cultivated meat in Singapore
Boris Boincean Selectia Research Institute of Field Crops, Moldova
Agricultural Sustainability and Climate Change
Sustainable and Resilient Management of Chernozem Soils in the Republic of Moldova
Bodil Hernroth Kristianstad University, Sweden
Ecology and Ecosystems
Immunosuppression of aquatic organisms exposed to elevated levels of manganese: From global to molecular perspective
Carlo Jaeger Global Climate Forum / Potsdam University, Germany
Sustainability and Climate Change
Climate change and the Anthropocene
Zuohao Cao Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Canada
Atmospheric Changes
Impact of cyclone-cyclone interaction on a false-alarmed lake-effect snowstorm
Ola Langvall Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Ecology and Ecosystems
Phenology reveals climate change effects on plant behavior as indicator for the Swedish environmental objective Reduced Climate Impact
Fredy Altpeter University of Florida, USA
Renewable Energy and Climate Change
Metabolic Engineering for Hyper-accumulation of Lipids in Energycane
Jan Skaloš Czech University of Life Sciences, Czech Republic
Climate Change Adaptation
Analysis of long-term changes in wetlands (1842 - 2017) - a starting point for their restoration as part of adaptation to climate change?
Rachel Hay James Cook University, Australia
Sustainability and Climate Change
Motivators and barriers to adoption of Improved Land Management Practices for water quality improvement in Great Barrier Reef catchments
Ange-Marie Botroh Abitibi-Temiscamingue University of Quebec , Canada
Co2 , Emissions, Capture and Sequestration
Nine-years effect of harvesting and mechanical site preparation on bryophyte decomposition and carbon stocks in a boreal forested peatland
Karen Vargas Santander Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile
Sustainability and Climate Change
Developing a country's sustainability indicator: an analysis of the effect on trade openness
Tomas Thierfelder Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Climate Change and Health
Emerging climate-sensitive infections of the North
Karibu Fukuzawa Hokkaido University, Japan
Ecology and Ecosystems
Climate induced change in understory and overstory competition in a forest?: advanced timing of forest fine root production with reduced snow cover in northern Japan
Paramita Sinha RTI International, India
Climate Change and Health
Variation in estimates of heat-related mortality reduction due to tree cover in U.S. cities, Assessing community vulnerability to extreme events in the presence of contaminated sites and waste management facilities: An indicator approach
Aysha Aljawder National Space Science Agency, Bahrain
Sea-Level Rise, Oceans and Climate Change
Impact of sea level rise on land use/land cover – A case study in the Kingdom of Bahrain
Gabriel Legorreta Paulin UNAM, Mexico
Natural Hazards and Disaster Management
Landslides Susceptibility assessment using Multivariate Logistic Regression Model in the Xopanac Watershed, Eastern flank of Iztaccíhuatl volcano, México.
Vilim Filipovic The University of Queensland, Australia
Agricultural Sustainability and Climate Change
Biophysical feedbacks of climate change effects on soil hydraulic functions and soil water repellency
Nur Badriyah Mokhtar BPP University, United Kingdom
Emissions and Control
Charting the NetZero Quest: Exploring the factors affecting UK SMEs' Readiness to Track Supply Chain Emissions
Cuicui Zhang Tianjin University, China
Sea-Level Rise, Oceans and Climate Change
Deep Learning for ENSO Forecasts
Alicia Munín Doce University of A Coruña, Spain
Land and sea transport options for the installation of green artificial reefs (GARs) in shallow waters: A Galician case study
Land and sea transport options for the installation of green artificial reefs (GARs) in shallow waters: A Galician case study
Raluca Mateescu University of Florida, USA
Agricultural Sustainability and Climate Change
Genomic approaches to mitigate climatic stress in beef cattle: balancing heat tolerance and productivity
Ralph A Kahn University of Colorado, USA
Atmospheric Changes
Developing Aerosol Constraints for Climate & Air Quality Modeling Applications from Multi-angle, Multi-spectral Satellite Remote Sensing
Afonso Palos Fontes LNEG, Portugal
Recycling and Waste Management
Monitoring yeast cultures grown on corn stover hydrolysate for lipid production
Xiaoqin Yan Hohai University, china
Sea-Level Rise, Oceans And Climate Change
Multidecadal Variability in Mediterranean Sea Surface Temperature and Its Sources
Mei Li China Earthquake Administration, china
Natural Hazards and Disaster Management
Temporal-spatial characteristics of seismo-ionospheric influence observed by the CSES satellite
Azin Fathianpour Massey University , New zealand
Natural Hazards and Disaster Management
Reducing the vulnerability of tourists to tsunami: challenges for decision-makers
Keishi ONO National Institute for Defense Studies, Japan
Sea-Level Rise, Oceans and Climate Change
Rise of ocean temperatures and their impact on geopolitical security -- A Japanese paerspective
Ümit Deniz GÖKER Astronomical Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Atmospheric Changes
The Effect of Geomagnetic Storms on Aircraft Accidents Between the Years 1919-2023 in Civil Aviation
Abhishek Gaur National Research Council Canada, Canada
Climate Data to Inform the Design of Climate Resilient, Low Carbon Buildings, and Building Designs adapted using Nature Based Solutions in Canada
Climate Data to Inform the Design of Climate Resilient, Low Carbon Buildings, and Building Designs adapted using Nature Based Solutions in Canada
Thomas Kinnaman Bucknell University, USA
Global Climate Strategies and Policies
The Empirical Effects of a Carbon Price
Dorota Dobrowolska Forest Resarch Institute, Poland
Ecology and Ecosystems
Regeneration patterns in canopy gaps in the Bialowieza Forest
Musse Mohamud Ahmed Uninversiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Malaysia
Green Technology and Green Production
Novel Technology Utilization for Hybrid Green Energy Towards Zero Emission Achievements
Juan Enrique Contardo Laclote Universidad de Chile, Chile
Biodiversity and biological conservation
Mapping the distribution, threats, and protection coverage of a Chilean endemic amphibian considered a living fossil
Zhigang Huang Fuzhou University, china
Climate and Energy Policy
Forecasting carbon prices in China's pilot carbon market: A multi-source information approach with conditional generative adversarial networks
Madhuri Symbiosis International University, India
Climate Change Adaptation
Impact of Extreme Weather and Climate Events on Farmers: A review
Per-Erik Mellander Teagasc, Ireland
Agricultural Sustainability and Climate Change
Influence of climate change on far-future phosphorus mobilisation and delivery in agricultural catchments
Dariusz Kacprzak The University of Aucklnad, New zealand
Emissions and Control
A Systematic Study of LED Degradation Patterns for Better Environmental Outcomes
Rakefet David-Schwartz Institute of Plant Sciences, Israel
Enhancing Genetic Diversity and Adaptation in Man-Made Forests: The Role of Hybridization in Climate Change Resilience
Enhancing Genetic Diversity and Adaptation in Man-Made Forests: The Role of Hybridization in Climate Change Resilience
Marjolaine Krug Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, South Africa
Sea-Level Rise, Oceans and Climate Change
The Significance of the Oceans and Coastal Information Management System for South Africa's Ocean Governance and Conservation
Hannah Lehmann University Hospital Munich; Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany
Climate Change and Health
Climate change-related health hazards in daycare centers in Munich, Germany: risk perception and adaptation measures
M Luisa Contreras Rodríguez CIEMAT, Spain
Co2 , Emissions, Capture and Sequestration
Biomass Corrosiveness in Fluidized Bed Combustion Plants
Dan Zhu City of Gainesville, USA
Climate Change Adaptation
From Vision to Action: Community-Centered Approaches to Climate Resilience and Smart Techonlogy
Jayashree Srinivasan The World Bank Group, USA
Emissions and Control
Driving Climate Solutions with Data: Building Energy Codes and B-READY Environmental Insights
Paniendra Dutt Kolluru GITAM University, India
Sustainability and Climate Change
"Green & Sustainable Logistics – An empirical hypothesis to achieve Net
Zero Emissions complying to BRSR in compliance with COP – 29 in Indian"
Tyagaraja Sooprayen Modelly Cunden Universite des Mascareignes, Mauritius
Energy Policy
Spatial modelling and policy evaluation of offshore wind potential: The case of Mauritius
Douglas Richmond Purdue University, United states
Ecology and Ecosystems
Understanding an invasive soil-dwelling insect as part of a climate change feedback loop
Leila Ahmadi National Research Council Canada, Canada
Recycling and Waste Management
Review of the Global Evolution of Regulations on Single-use Plastics and Lessons Drawn for Canada
Andrea Di Giuliano Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Italy
Renewable & Non Renewable Resources
Study of heterogenous catalytic selective hydrogenation of vegetable oil with different reaction schemes
Ruogu Huang Fuzhou University, China
Global Climate Strategies and Policies
Linking low-carbon practices with ESG performances: Exploration evidence from the configurational perspective
Ubirajara Pereira Rodrigues-Filho Insituto de Quimica de Sao Carlos- Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil
Emissions and Control
Innovative Carbon Capture and Utilization: Transforming CO2 into Sustainable Industrial Solutions with Antimicrobial and Insulating Properties
Dan Hikuroa Waipapa Taumata Rau - University of Auckland, New zealand
Indigenous climate monitoring and mitigation
Re-Imagining Wild Rivers in Aotearoa New Zealand – implications for climate adaptation and mitigation
Jie Liu Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, People's Republic of China
Recycling and Waste Management
Composting with crop straws in cold region based on climate change and black soil conservation
Paulo Augusto Pezzan Miotto Legasys Engineering, Brazil
Global Climate Strategies and Policies
Aliança Program: Advancing Energy Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability in Brazilian Industries